April 4, 11 and 18, Saturdays, 10am-10:30am: Learning through Discovery
April 11, noon- 1pm: The Lines of Engagement
April 25, 10-11:30am: Aikido Appetizer, FREE Introduction to the Art of Aikido
April 4, 11 and 18, Saturdays, 10am-10:30am: Learning through Discovery (for members)
The 10-10:30am time slot will shift to an open format to foster learning through discovery. The theme and focus will be 5th kyu techniques.
The open mat format provides the opportunity for students to get together and work through the 5th kyu techniques, discovering what they know and where there are gaps in knowledge. The process of retrieving and remembering techniques can bring to light what movements have been learned clearly and where understanding is still murky.
By engaging with this process, specific questions will bubble up organically. What do you do when you don't know what to do? What resources are within you to figure out a conundrum?
When you discover an answer through your own process of movement inquiry and your partner's feedback, learning is absorbed at a deeper level.
When questions are not successfully resolved, the follow up class can address student's needs directly. Suzane Van Amburgh Sensei will be in the dojo during the 30 minute practice period and will teach the regular fundamentals class starting at 10:30am.
April 11, noon- 1pm: The Lines of Engagement (open to the public)
explore the lines of engagement:
- Investigate the moment when you encounter your partner.
- Sense your center.
- Experiment with where and when you make initial contact.
- Discover how you change the angle of encounter.
- Sense your balance.
- Follow the trajectory of your partner’s motion.
- Notice when you naturally take a step to restore balance.
April 25, 10-11:30am: Aikido Appetizer, FREE Introduction to the Art of Aikido
(Open to the public)
Get a taste of what it is like to practice aikido!
All are welcome to participate for free. We invite the community to this special open house event. Learn more...