Our beginners series, Aikido First Course, begins October 11 and runs Tuesdays and Saturdays through November 22.
Get a taste at the Aikido Appetizer on Saturday October 4th at 10am.
Visitors are welcome to step onto the mat and join us for the half-hour Orientation to Practice, Tuesdays at 5:30pm or Saturdays at 10am (through October 28). After, we invite you to stay and observe the fundamentals class.
The public is also welcome to join us for the Lines of Engagement on second Saturdays at noon, Oct 11, Nov. 8 and Dec. 13. The fee is $10.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6:15pm classes are core classes for members of all levels and focus on our monthly teaching theme. Become a regular member and train in any of these classes.
Two classes on the schedule are restricted to members ranked 5th kyu and above: Tuesdays 7:30pm and Thursdays 6:15pm.
Advanced class is held once a month on the first Tuesday in the 7:30pm time slot.