Sunday, July 21, 2013

Regular adult aikido class schedule

Note our Children's classes are held Wednesdays and Fridays 5 pm-6 pm.

Regular schedule of adult aikido classes:

5:30 - 6:00pm, Center Yourself/Orientation to Practice (open to the public) click for more info.
6:15pm, body arts
7:30pm, weapons

6:15pm,  body arts/ fundamentals
7:30pm, Iaido (click for more info)

6:15pm - 7:45pm, body arts and weapons
Note: On the first Thursday of the month the 6:15pm class ends at 7:15. Yudansha class begins 7:30pm.

6:15pm - 7:15pm, body arts

Saturdays (starting Oct. 5)
10:00am - 10:30am, Orientation
10:30am - 11:15am, body arts

For special events, periodic weapons intensives and other dated events please check upcoming dates from the main navigation.

Aikido Multnomah Aikikai is located at 6415 SW Macadam Ave Portland OR

If you are closer to Forest Grove OR, visit the Forest Grove Aikido dojo for training on Mondays and Wednesdays:


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Post Summer Camp Intensive Aikido Training

We just got back from Birankai Aikido Summer Camp and we are  bringing it home!

Four of us from the dojo attended Camp this year and the classes were inspiring. You can see video clips of the classes at:

Be sure to catch Sean's classes Thursday July 11 at 6:15pm and Saturday July 13 at 10:15am.  Then the week of July 16 we will have a special class schedule with Senseis Fleshler, Van Amburgh and Scollard. Come train as we bring the gems of Summer Camp home to the dojo!

Tuesday July 16:
6:15pm, Scollard Sensei, body arts
7:30pm, Fleshler Sensei, weapons

Wednesday July 17:
6:15pm, Van Amburgh Sensei, body arts
7:30pm, Fleshler Sensei, body arts

Thursday July 18:
6:15pm, Scollard Sensei, body arts
7:30 pm, Fleshler Sensei, weapons

Friday July 19:
Regular 6:15pm class

Saturday July 20:
10:15am, Van Amburgh Sensei, body arts
11:30am, Van Amburgh Sensei, body arts/ weapons